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Quizzotica - Question 1

Welcome all Pega Quizzers to this quarterly quiz contest starting today and thanks for participating. I am going to start with a easy picture connection question for this week. Details below -

1) Identify figures 1, 2 & 3.
2) What connects figures 1, 2 & 3?

Figures 1 & 2 are pretty easy. For figure 3, the hint is EADS.

How to Answer:
Please post your answers as blog comments. Post your answers with your full name. Comments will not be opened for public viewing, until the answer is posted next Wednesday.

1) Mac OS-X (Called Tiger), Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi (Tiger Pataudi), Eucopter EC 665 (Tiger)
2) Tiger is the connection

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1) Mac OS X , Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi, Eurocopter From EADS.

2) The connection is the word "Tiger".
a) Its Mac OS X: Release name is "Tiger".
b) Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi: AKA "Tiger Pataudi".
c) Eucopter EC 665: AKA "Eurocopter Tiger".

- Anupam Hyanki

1) Mac OS X Tiger, Mansoor ALi Khan Pataudi/Tiger Pataudi, Eurocopter Tiger.
2) All of them have Tiger in their names

Vikas Raidhan

Akash Mohapatra, Peeush Harsh, Syed Irfan
1) Mac OSX Tiger
Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi aka Tiger
Eurocopter Tiger
2) All have "Tiger" in their names

Figure 1:Mac OS X Tiger
Figure 2:Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi a.k.a Tiger Pataudi
Figure 3:Eurocopter Tiger

All the three figures have "Tiger" commmon in their names.
Pankaj Rawal
Software Engineer | Pegasystems WorldWide India Private Limited

(1) (a) Mac OS X 10.4 Tiger
(b) Mansur Ali Khan Pataudi Tiger
(c) Eurocopter Tiger

(2) All 3 are connected by - Tiger

Vaibhav Sharma

1. First pic is Mac OS X 10.4 nicknamed Tiger.
Second Pic is Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi... nicknamed Tiger..
Third Pic is Eurocopter (Division of EADS) helicoper called EC665 nicknamed Tiger...

2. The connection is the name "Tiger".

All three has tiger in their name
1. Mac OS X Tiger
2. Tiger Pataudi
3. Eurocopter tiger

Lalit Agarwalla

Pic 1 - Mac os Tiger series logo
Pic 2 - MAK Pataudi former indian cricket captain and referred as TIGER pataudi

Pic 3 - Eurocopter Tiger helicopter referred as Tiger in some countries

The connection is TIGER

Rajaditya Kolluru - pega


Operating System

Fig 1 - Mac OS X Tiger
Fig 2 - Tiger Pataudi
Fig 3 - Eurocopter Tiger

Connection is "Tiger"

Pic 1 - Mac OS X 10.4 - Tiger
Pic 2 - Mansoor Ali Khan Pataudi
Pic 3 - Tiger attack Helicopter [Tiger is being built by Eurocopter, a subsidiary of the EADS]

The connection is TIGER.

Nawab of Pataudi was also known as TIGER PATAUDI, OS 10.4 is named as TIGER and the attack helicopter is also Tiger Helicopter. So the connection is TIGER.

Was really an interesting quiz.

Name - Mukta Seth


Mac OS X v10.4 Tiger,
Tiger Pataudi.
The EC665 Tiger helicopter

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