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Treasure quiz - April 25

Blogger.com did not allow me to logon yesterday and hence was not able to post a question yesterday.

Since I am currently sitting in the UK and adapted to the GMT, for the next 10 days the questions will be posted at 3.30 PM IST.

The answer for 'Treasure quiz - April 21' is Bendakaaluru (also know as Bangalore)

Answers explained:
Clue 1 - 'Bendak' Starkiller is a fictional character in the computer game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Connection - 'aaaa'
Clue2 - luru is a language spoken in Indonesia, and also called Lara.

Question of the day

Clue1 - The lady of the Greek epic is of type M and is left to wander in the skies. She has Kleopatra and Bamberga for her company.

Clue2 - Easy one - It literally means ‘cross’ in this European language.

Combine clue1 and clue2 to get the name of a stunning actress.

Answer : Angelina Jolie !!!

Penelope Cruz

Angelina Jolie

Posted the "right" answer for the clue in the "wrong" page, it is in Apr 21 st page comments

Penelope Cruz

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